Chinchilla (Standart Chinchilla)
standart chinchilla |
Profile of Chinchilla rabbit breeds, breed docile and gentle with very soft, silky fur and popular as pets. This rabbit originated in France in the early 1900s, and named for their resemblance to feathers South American rodents.
Size: Small / Medium
Hair type: Medium
Chinchilla rabbits originated in France in the early 1900s, and are named for their resemblance to feathers South American rodents, chinchillas. The Chinchilla Rabbits breed was developed using the Himalayans, Beverens and wild rabbits Agouti colored, and was first shown in France in 1913. The following year they appeared in international exhibitions in Paris and attracted a lot of interest from other farmers.
Chinchilla rabbit is fast becoming a very successful commercial species, not only for their similarity to the throwing of fur Chinchilla, but also because their coat mature faster than other rabbit race. Chinchilla rabbits arrived in the UK in 1915, and in the United States in 1919, where the larger American descent and Giant Chinchilla has also developed (the original breed known as the Standard Chinchilla in the United States). Chinchilla rabbit now bred for show and as pets, popular for good behavior and soft, luxurious coat.
Chinchilla is the of small to medium-sized rabbits, weighing approximately 2 ½-3kg (5 ½- £ 7).
Chinchilla rabbit has a media construct, with a compact body, short neck and head wide with short, erect ears. The chinchilla has a very soft, smooth coat dense, medium length hair.
Chinchilla has Agouti coloring, where the hair has a different color band along its length. The under colour (the skin), dark slate blue, the color of the middle band is a pearl and the tips of gray hair. Black 'pulse' (guard hairs) are not equal in most of the body. Stomach, neck, hip and eye-circles have pale, pearl and beat the mixture with black ears.
Chinchilla (slate blue / pearl / black Agouti pattern)
Chinchilla staining was also found in a number of other breeds.
Chinchilla rabbit carriage generally quite benign, kind and very gentle. They are smart, curious and cute bunnies and enjoying the company and attention. Chinchilla usually good with children and also suitable as house rabbits.