Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Chinchilla Rabbit

Chinchilla (Standart Chinchilla)

standart chinchilla
Profile of Chinchilla rabbit breeds, breed docile and gentle with very soft, silky fur and popular as pets. This rabbit originated in France in the early 1900s, and named for their resemblance to feathers South American rodents.

Size: Small / Medium
Hair type: Medium


Chinchilla rabbits originated in France in the early 1900s, and are named for their resemblance to feathers South American rodents, chinchillas. The Chinchilla Rabbits breed was developed using the Himalayans, Beverens and wild rabbits Agouti colored, and was first shown in France in 1913. The following year they appeared in international exhibitions in Paris and attracted a lot of interest from other farmers. 

Chinchilla rabbit is fast becoming a very successful commercial species, not only for their similarity to the throwing of fur Chinchilla, but also because their coat mature faster than other rabbit race. Chinchilla rabbits arrived in the UK in 1915, and in the United States in 1919, where the larger American descent and Giant Chinchilla has also developed (the original breed known as the Standard Chinchilla in the United States). Chinchilla rabbit now bred for show and as pets, popular for good behavior and soft, luxurious coat.


Chinchilla is the of small to medium-sized rabbits, weighing approximately 2 ½-3kg (5 ½- £ 7). 

Chinchilla rabbit has a media construct, with a compact body, short neck and head wide with short, erect ears. The chinchilla has a very soft, smooth coat dense, medium length hair. 

Chinchilla has Agouti coloring, where the hair has a different color band along its length. The under colour (the skin), dark slate blue, the color of the middle band is a pearl and the tips of gray hair. Black 'pulse' (guard hairs) are not equal in most of the body. Stomach, neck, hip and eye-circles have pale, pearl and beat the mixture with black ears.


Chinchilla (slate blue / pearl / black Agouti pattern)

Chinchilla staining was also found in a number of other breeds. 

Chinchilla rabbit carriage generally quite benign, kind and very gentle. They are smart, curious and cute bunnies and enjoying the company and attention. Chinchilla usually good with children and also suitable as house rabbits.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

American Checkered Giant Rabbit

American Checkered Giant

American Checkered Giant
The Checkered Giant rabbit is one of the nation's largest, easily recognizable by the distinctive colored markings. They are active, energetic and rabbits can be great fun.

Size: Giant
Hair type: Short


The Checkered Giant originated in the Lorraine region of France by the end of the nineteenth century and is known there as the great Lorraine.

Raised from the Flemish Giants, French lop-eared rabbits big and see rabbits, they initially colorful or natural-colored wild but further development of the characteristics produced signs 'butterfly', which has made the breed popular since the 1920s.

Exported to the United States in the early twentieth century, they are known there as places of giants, and in the UK as a giant Papillon. They are considered the same type, although Checkered Giant was elected bred for distinctly different types of Giant Papillon.


The Checkered Giant is one of the nation's largest with a minimum weight of 5kg (11 pounds) and a lot more weight 6kg (13 pounds).

The Checkered Giant has a lean, muscular build. Rabbit body like a long, arched back, long, powerful legs and broad head with large, erect ears firmly held width.

Giant boxes have a white coat with colored markings. They have colored ears, rings around the eyes, cheeks and flashing butterfly-shaped mark on the nose. A dorsal stripe (herringbone) walk down the spine from ears to tail, with colored patches on the thighs.

Characterized by good breeding Checkered Giants indirectly. In most litters about half of the young have a sign of good will, there is usually a self-colored (one plain color) and some younger marked as well. Rabbit with a semi-often called 'Charlies', is thought to have come from butterfly semi-marks on his nose that looks like a mustache 'Charlie Chaplin'.
Checkered Giants have smooth, short hair.


  • Black
  • Blue


Checkered Giants have a fairly quiet temperament and generally good-natured. They are active, energetic and rabbits can be great fun.Checkered Giants need a lot of practice.

They are sometimes said to be prone to aggressive behavior.

Special requirements

Select a rabbit with a good temperament, the leading breeders

Californian Rabbit


Californian Rabbit
Breed Profil of Californian Rabbit, nearly equal in look to the Himalayas but larger, California has developed as meat and fur breeding in the 1920s. California is popular pets because they are quiet, friendly nature

Size: Medium
Hair Type: Short


of the same inside look into the immortal Himalayas but bigger, California began raised in the United States in the early 1920s by George West, who crossed the Himalayans with Whites New Zealand and chinchillas Standard to produce offspring that will produce both meat good and feathers.

The California did not become popular as pets until much later, and sadly still produce meat the second most common type. It has been recognized by Arba in 1939 and in the United States only a few black and white is acceptable to show.

In the UK, the other color variations of blue, brown and purple accepted.


Occurrences California is a rather large rabbit, usually weighing 3.5-4.75kg (7-10lbs). California is a large building with a firm, plump body and short neck. Ears rather short and tapered and brought tense. California has pink eye. Dyes California is white with colored ears, nose, legs and tail. Nose oval indicates the direction under the jaw and climbed to the top of the eye toward the nose profile. Colored ears from base to tip, like a tail. Foot, including nail coloring is dark and went so well that leg. California has a thick, smooth coat.


  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Lilac 


California usually calm temperament, good-natured and friendly making them an excellent choice of animals, especially for those who have children.

British Giant Rabbit

British Giant 

British Giant
British Giant rabbit breed comes from the Flemish Giant rabbit appears as a separate breed in Britain in the 1940s. They have a good temperament and very good with children and other pets.

Size: Giant
Hair type: Medium

English giants emerge as a separate breed in Britain in the 1940s and was raised from the Flemish giant stock of various colors of the United States. The Flemish Giant breed standard in the United only recognized in steel gray color and perhaps a little smaller than Europe Flemish giant. British Giant grew up to be a great variety in color and even lower than the rabbit Flemish region, the area retains the same characteristics. English giants almost unkown outside the UK.

British Giants appearance weighs about 5.5-7kg (12-15lbs) English giants have large build, with a body length, width, straight back, rounded thighs and strong legs. Wide head with full cheeks and a large erect ears. English giants have a smooth, medium-length hair.

  • White
  •  Black
  • Blue
  • Grey
  • Steel Grey
  • Opal. 

English carriage Giants have the same calm, friendly demeanor as Flemish giant. They tame rabbit, not as active as many smaller breeds, prefer to laze than run and jump a lot of time. English giants generally very kind, very good with children and other pets, and are rarely aggressive.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Britannia Petite Rabbit

The Britannia Petite Rabbit

The Britannia Petite Rabbit
The Britannia Petite developed in England in the mid 19th century and is known there as rabbits Poland. Dwarf breed is very lively and energetic.

Size: Dwarf
Hair type: Short


The Britannia Petite developed in England in the mid 19th century and is known there as Poland. Despite their name, they do not come from Poland, but is named to 'polish' their shiny coats. They are thought to have come from mixed ancestry (probably small wild rabbit crossed with Dutch and Silvers) are imported from Belgium and is often referred to as Belgium rabbit table. Rabbit meat is enhanced in the development of Poland; Although small it was brought up to the table and considered a delicacy. Poland recognized breed United in 1884, initially raised only in White with red eyes. The white rabbit Poland were first imported to the United States around 1912, where breeders are trying to improve their kind 'tortuous. The American Poland was selectively bred to be more compact, round body type, whereas in the English breed Poland remain slim and rabbit like. Then import of rabbit Poland English is considered a separate breed of rabbit Poland America and renamed Britannia Petite.


Britannia Petite is one of a very small range of special weight 700g - 1.2kg (1 ½ - 2 ½ lbs).

Britannia Petites typical for elegant, upright pose them. They are small, well-boned and slender rabbit, with a curved, like a rabbit body. The head is wedge-shaped in profile with a pointed nose and ears were enough adjacent overhead, giving the appearance of a warning. 

The Britannia Petite has a smooth coat is short, fine hair. 


  • White color (red-eyed)
  • Black
  • Black Otter
  • Chestnut Agouti
  • Sable Marten. 


Carriage Britannia Petites very lively and energetic. Despite its small size, they require a lot of space because they are almost constantly active. They can run very fast, jump high and really enjoyed the freedom to race around. They are intelligent and curious and like climbing and surfing; regular exercise is very important to prevent boredom. 

Britannia Petites does well with children. They do not like to be hugged, preferring to be on the move, and was too small and fragile for young children to handle safely. 

Britannia Petites get used to handling early and tender age, understanding approach is essential. They can be unforgiving of any rough treatment and bad experience can leave them very wary or even aggressive toward humans. 

The Britannia Petite rabbits can be lively and entertaining for the more experienced owners.