Thursday, 11 June 2015

Flemish Giant Rabbit

Flemish Giant

flemish giant
Breed profile of Flemish Giant rabbit breed largest in the world, weighing about 7-8kg (15-18lbs). Popular for large size and very relaxing, calm temperament, gentle giants make great pets.

Size: Giant
Hair type: Medium


The Flemish Giant is thought to have originated in Belgium and Flanders comes from a large hare and rabbit Patagonia, (imported from Argentina by traders of the 16th century and once common in France and Belgium before becoming extinct). They are bred for their meat and fur and Flemish giant into one of the nation's most popular utility in Europe. In the early nineteenth century, they were raised to genealogy tight, initially in the wild (Agouti) dye and steel gray. Furthermore, cross-breeding with other large breeds from the resulting wider variation in color.


The Flemish Giant rabbit breed largest in the world, weighing about 7-8kg (15-18lbs) and the size of about 80cm long.

Flemish giants have long and wide body back to back is well-rounded and solid advice.

Strong, muscular legs that the average length; wide head with full cheeks; big ears (about 20 cm long) and held at the Vee-form at the top of the head. Men have a wider, more impressive than her head, but she can often be greater than for men.


Flemish Giants have medium length hair with a fine luster shiny and dense undercoat.


The Flemish Giant originally bred in the wild (Agouti) dye, the bottom layer of gray, brown or red, with the hair ends (beats) in black or blue. Basic colors that can be produced light brown to reddish brown or light gray to dark gray steel. Stomach, inside of the legs and under the tail of a lighter color, with a light ring around the eyes.

Variations in color itself has a color layer entirely without pulsation or variation in shading, primary colors are blue, black and white (albino) (In the UK, the breed was only recognized standard in steel gray and smaller around 6.5kg 5.5 / 12 -14lbs).


Flemish Giants are quiet and tame rabbits and off as many smaller breeds, prefer to laze around than run and jump a lot of time. They are friendly and kind and can make children very good pets because they are too big to take and will not bite or be aggressive. They really gentle giant and their personalities have been compared with the softest of dog breeds. They generally get on well with other pets as well.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

English Spot Rabbit

English Spot

english spot
English Spot originated in England in the mid 19th century, the breed became very popular and much sought after as a household pet. English Spot is, bunny curious personalities friendly with attractive ..

Size: Small / Medium
Hair type: Short


English Spot originated in England in the mid 19th century and remarkable for a luxury intended as commercial in nature from the beginning. English Spot was developed through selective breeding non-pedigree stock bearing similarities to the great Lorraine (of which the giant Papillon / Checkered Giant origin). English Spot to breed very popular and much sought after as a household pet. It was exported to Europe around 1890, where he was known as Papillon or Butterfly Britain, and the United States around 1910.


English Spot is a simple type with an average weight of around 2.5-3.5kg (6-8lbs).

English Spots have a medium build, with long curved body, which showed signs to the best effect. Head wide and sturdy and erect ears. English Spots have a white coat with colored markings.

They have colored ears, rings around the eyes, cheeks and flashing butterfly-shaped mark on the nose. A dorsal stripe (herringbone) walk down the spine from ears to tail, with a chain of small spots runs from the hip to the neck on each side.

Spots breeding is characterized by good English is not easy. In most litters about half of the young have a sign of good will, there is usually a self-colored (one plain color) and some younger marked as well. Rabbit with a semi-often called 'Charlies', is thought to have come from butterfly semi-marks on his nose that looks like a mustache 'Charlie Chaplin'.

English Spot has short hair shiny and soft coat.


  • Black
  • Blue
  • Grey
  • Chocolate
  • Tortoiseshell (also gold and Lilac in the United States)


English Spot is friendly with rabbit wanted to know interesting personalities. They are alive and energetic and needs lots of exercise and room to run and jump. They can be very enjoyable, often featuring some entertaining acrobatics. Their sweet nature means they are usually very good with children.

English Lop Rabbit

English Lop

english lop
Breed profile The English Lop, the oldest of lop-eared rabbit breeds. The calm and friendly temperament, they are large rabbits with very long ears.

Size: Large
Hair type: Short


English Lop is the oldest of lop-eared breeds and have been bred in Britain since the 18th century. Almost all other breeds of lop-eared native English Lop has chosen to expand and increase the length of the ears are very large.


English Lop rabbits are large, weighing about 4-5kg (9-11lbs).

English Lop has a media construct, with mandolin shaped body. Slope back to the top of short forelegs to high, round the back. The spacious head has a curved profile and low do. The most distinctive characteristic of the English Lop ears are longer and wider than any other type. The front face and ear area in the middle with rounded ends. Ear rate, measured from end to end and measures about 60-70cm long.

English Lops may be solid in color or have white patches on the head, chest and legs.

English Lops have a short, soft hair, smooth shiny coat.


  • Fawn
  • Sooty-deer
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Broken


English Lops is quiet and friendly rabbit. They rarely kept as pets because of the extra care needed for their normal ear.

Special conditions

English Lops prone to injury and infections of the ear, they require spacious accommodation and regular nail-trimming to prevent damage to the ears of their claws.

English Lops exposed to cold temperatures as they lose more body heat through large ears.

Dwarf Lop Rabbit

Dwarf Lop (UK)

dwarf lop
Breed profile Dwarf Lop rabbit, breed Mini Lop similar to English in the United States. This breed is good natured and funny, though prone to dental problems offspring.

Size: Small / Medium
Hair type: Medium


The Dwarf Lop in the UK fell from first dwarf Lops developed in the Netherlands in 1950, also known as Holland Lops.
Dutch rabbit judge and breeder, Adrianne de Cock, is generally credited with developing the Holland Lop. He set out to create a miniature French Lop, by crossing the Dutch Dwarf Lop France, and while this does not result in a lop-eared rabbit, go cross the English Lops proved to be more successful. It was difficult to breed Dwarf Lops were quite small, but also has a good ear car (the effect produced Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and also introduces a variety of colors, but resulted in numerous erect ears rabbit). Year careful selective breeding rabbits resulted in very similar in type to French Lop yet much smaller, and Holland Lops about 2kg was first shown in 1964. Holland Lops imported into Britain in 1970, and selectively bred to produce small but significant Dwarf Lop , A breed standard was established, and Lop Rabbit Dwarf recognized by the British Council in 1977. Strengthened by increased imports from the Netherlands Holland Lops, Dwarf Lop become very popular in Britain in the 1980s and 90s. Under the weight limit for Dwarf Lop breed standard was raised in 2000, set up as a rabbit Dwarf Lop clearly heavier and larger than the smaller Holland Lops, which was then known as the Miniature Lops. Despite the recent rise in Miniature Lop, the Dwarf Lop remains one of the most popular events and pet rabbit breeds. (The Dwarf Lop Lop most similar to the Mini in the US, UK Miniature Lop known as Holland Lop in the United States).


The Dwarf Lop rabbits are small to medium-sized, weighing about 2-2.3kg (4 ½- £ 5). Dwarf Lops raised as a pet may outweigh 'show' rabbit and weigh up to 3 kg (6½lbs).

Dwarf Lops have a large building, with a short body, thick-set, round thighs and short, powerful legs. Large head with broad forehead and full cheeks, and ears that hang thick broad side of the head.

Dwarf Lops may self-colored (solid color) or white patches on the head, chest and legs.

Dwarf Lops have a dense coat of soft, medium-length hair.


  • White
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Agouti
  • Chinchilla
  • Opal
  • Sable Siam
  • Siam smoke
  • Sealpoint
  • Sooty Fawn
  • Fox
  • Marten Sable
  • Fawn
  • Orange
  • Steel
  • Butterfly


Dwarf Lops Rabbit generally good-natured and friendly. They are quite active , fun, and enjoy the company of others and rabbits . If used correctly , they usually get on well with children - children and other pets.

Special conditions

Dwarf Lops prone to dental disease , a fatal condition that is often inherited. Select a rabbit with a low risk of dental problems down - from generation to generation , from reputable breeders or rescue centers .

Dutch Rabbit


dutch rabbit
Breed Dutch rabbit profile. Kind, friendly, intelligent, popular as house rabbits and pet children. Dutch bunny rabbit is one of the nation's oldest ...

Size: Small / Medium
Hair type: Short


Dutch rabbit is one of the nation's oldest, originating in England in the mid 19th century. Dutch rabbit with a known hundreds of years ago and can be seen in the paintings of the 15th century. The Netherlands is a descendant of Petite Brabancon, from Brabant in Flanders, who grew up in large numbers for the meat trade during the 19th century. This bunny is white and often display signs when exported to the United Kingdom in the 1830s, the English breeders selected their best mark in order to develop a Dutch breed as we know it today. Initially, most Dutch rabbit black, but more colors are introduced through cross marriage. Dutch rabbit is fast becoming the most popular varieties in many countries and even increase Dwarf breeds, Netherlands remains one of the top ten most popular rabbit race around the world.


The Netherlands is a small to medium-sized rabbit, weighing 1.5kg from (3 ½ lbs) up to about 3kg (6 ½ lbs), with type standard ideal body weight around 2-2.5kg (4-4½ lbs).

Dutch rabbit has built a considerable with solid, well-rounded body and short, sturdy legs. The head is broad with cheeks full and short, erect ears.

Dutch rabbit has a white sign with a white blaze, white front and hind legs white.

 A rabbit is well marked in color from around the middle of the back of the head with a liner straight, legs and rear legs are white.

Colored head area combines the eyes, cheeks and ears, with a white blaze and nose vee-shaped inverted.

Dutch rabbits have short hair shiny and smooth coat.


  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Yellow
  • Steel Grey
  • Black
  • Grey
  • pale gray
  • Tortoiseshell


Dutch rabbit is deservedly one of the most popular pet breeds with a quiet, relaxing environment, strong build and run size.

They have the tendency usually very gentle and good with children, most will be happy to send it to a lot of cuddles.

Dutch rabbits were friendly and intelligent and will thrive on attention.